Our Beautiful Annapolis Shoot
A Giveaway!!!

We went to Annapolis last week for a phototshoot with my friend Tia, we spent most of the day schmying around and exploring all the little shops and restaurants, walking the piers and side streets. I had no idea how interesting the capital is. Yup that’s right...Annapolis is the capital of Maryland, a lot of people think it’s D.C. which is a common mistake that I must admit even I made at one time. It was originally called Providence by the Puritans, then later it took on the name of Anne Arundel’s Town, after the wife of Lord Baltimore, the owner of the proprietary colony. Then finally Sir Frances decided to honor Princess Anne, heir to the throne. In 1708 the Queen chartered her colonial namesake as her city. Her crown badge over the entwined thistle of Scotland and Tudor Rose of England are proudly displayed on the Annapolis flag. For over 300 years this beautiful little town has brought in millions of visitors from all over the world. The many small winding streets of Annapolis are home to some pretty amazing shops, restaurants, and bars.

Of all the great stores there's such a variety of different items, if you want clothes there's a White House Black Market, Hats in the Belfry, Black dog, Chico’s, The Pink Crab, and Diva. Then there are plenty of jewelry and accessory stores, then there's art galleries, craft stores, and even furniture and decor shops. A girl can get lost in all the fabulousness Annapolis offers. Then not far outside of downtown there's Annapolis Mall, another jackpot of amazing shop spots. It’s a great area to spend the day exploring, and just amercing yourself in all that is Annapolis. We met Tia our doll of a photographer at the top of Main Street by the Starbucks, then we (myself, Piper, Rob and Tia) made our way down Main Street towards the docks. We stopped into Kilwin’s Chocolate & Ice Cream…definitely one of my favorite spots. You guys know about my crazy sweet tooth, plus they always have fresh made chocolate, ice cream and everything else you can think of. We got a cone and some chocolate to help us enjoy the 75 degree February day even more. As you can see in the pictures Piper enjoyed that rainbow ice-cream as much as I did, if not more..lol!

(Just chilling' on Easy Street!)
(Fun Fact: Did you guys know that Pip is my little nickname for Piper?)
We walked all the way down to the docks as we strolled down the cozy little brick sidewalks and streets. There is such a charm in Annapolis that it puts you in the coolest mood, not to mention all of the history that it encumbers. All within a few blocks of one another you have the State House, the District Court House, and City Hall. This kinda gives you an idea of how small downtown Annapolis is, but what she lacks in size she sure makes up for in charm. If you’ve never visited the Capitol of Maryland you should plan a day trip, you’ll more than love it. It's amazing how overtime I go I enjoy myself to the point that the whole day passes before I know it, giving me the feeling that I didn't see enough, and leaving me wanting to come back for more. One of my favorite spots was the mural below that we found on one of the little backstreets, isn't it the cutest street art you've ever seen?
(I'm on a mission now to find more great walls like this in Baltimore MD. If you guys know any plz let me know!)
(Outfit Deets: Top byTorrid, Jeans by American Eagle Outfitters, Shoes by Coach, Handbag by Michael Kors, Sunglasses by Tory Burch)
(Left to Right: Myself, Piper & Rob)
Annapolis has all kinds of museums and fun activities, especially during the summer months. They just had a huge St.Patty's Day Parade this past weekend, I'm really bummed I missed it. I'm hoping I can find something fun to attend here in Baltimore, there's usually a really fun event in Little Italy. Quick heads up...if you go to Annapolis, stop by the Annapolis Visitor’s Center on West Street and get all the good info, along with a map of the area. That way you won't miss any of the good stuff...but then again it's all good stuff. Trust me the day will seem to fly bye in a second, and like me you'll already be looking forward to the return trip. I hope you all had a fab weekend, all of the outfit deets are listed above. All of the pictures were taken by: Tia Bustanoby a great photographer friend of mine, check her out on Instagram! @tjulietephotography
Before I go I want to show you guys a new sweater I got from Chicwish, and tell you all about a HUGE GIVEAWAY i'm running!!
(Outfit Deets: Heart Sweater by Chicwish, Destroyed Denim by American Eagle Outfitters, Handbag by Michaels Kors, Sunglasses by Red Label Eyewear)
Take note to the cute minty green box in the above picture, that's my StatusBox and inside is the cutest smart watch ever. I can wait to charge it up and start wearing it on my am runs to see how well I do each day. I have a feeling it will help me to run harder and smarter and get more benefit out of my exercise. It has so many neat options and abilities, I can't wait to give it a good run and share my thoughts with you guys, in the meantime check out Misfit and StatusBox.

I ordered the above oh-so-cute pink heart sweater from Chicwish 2 weeks ago, it's a great spot to order clothes, they have really cute stuff at great prices. The only thing that drives me crazy is the shipping takes forever. Either way I'm so over-the-moon about this new sweater, that the long shipping issue has fallen by the waist side. It's so soft, cuddly and thick, plus it looks great with my AEO TomGirl, destroyed denim jeans, and the pink shade matches my nude leather MK bag to perfection. I plan to wear a cotton white top under it...either a spaghetti strap tank or scoop neck long sleeve top, depending on weather it's really chilly or not. I'm always the one saying I'm hot, and as annoying as it is I'm never comfortable. Good thing is the way the sweater is made there is a bit of air that will flow through it due to the tiny holes from the crochet. The only thing that annoys me is there is no closures in the front. Maybe I'll sew on some cute buttons, or clasp hooks? Hey it's an idea, in the meantime I'm absolutely in love with this sweater. Cool thing is they make it in a couple different styles, so I can definitely see myself getting one or two more come fall. So what'cha think..is it as amazing as I think it is?..lol!!
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